Browsing Category: Full Episode
Full Episode
Cover Artist: Kota RiverRoad
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Featuring: A guest take-over! The Stony 616 Server Mods are helming this episode. Some minor Flerreting, but mostly it's Magicasen, Kiyaar, and Sineala chatting what they love about comics. Don't worry, there's still a trope-off update!
Full Episode
Cover Artist: Kota RiverRoad
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Featuring: A guest take-over! The Stony 616 Server Mods are helming this episode. Some minor Flerreting, but mostly it's Magicasen, Kiyaar, and Sineala chatting what they love about comics. Don't worry, there's still a trope-off update!
Full Episode
Cover Artist: SmileStar
Featuring: A chat with Courtney about why we all love tony, a full display of Ferret's tech kink, a trope-off update, some community response to last episode, and your events forecast!
Full Episode
Cover Artist: oluka
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Featuring: Two interviews about darkfic - one with treesramblings and resurrected hippo, and the other with Kiyaar. Then Flerret has a trope-off update and your events forecast.
Full Episode
Cover Artist: cryo-bucky
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Featuring: A wide ranging conversation about canon: divergence, AUs, compliance. First Flame chats with Dora about Natasha feels, before Flerret have a go at talking about the wide range of ways to interact with canon in fandom. Then we hear from you on that mess, before a few minis to round it out.
Full Episode
Cover Artist: Wolfie
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Featuring: This episode is all focused on a specific AU set - sex work! Robin_tcj joins us for a chat about the various kinds and our favorites among them, before Flerret does a plug of RurouniHime's Place Your Bets. Professor Flame shows up for a brief history of how sex work has been treated in the offline world, before the Grammar Mustelid talks about verbs. We wrap up with a trope-off update, and your events forecast.
(I had some technical issues with my mic while recording this episode, so some of the segments might have some clicks and pops and I'm a bit mushy. My apologies! We've fixed them for next time. -Ferret)
Full Episode
Cover Artist: b
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Featuring: A Flerret Only episode! First we're chatting soulmates, and then - believe it or not - we're discussing world building. Ferret didn't even twitch. Then we hear from you on soulmates, get a trope-off update, and your events forecast!
Full Episode
Cover Artist: Monobuu
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Featuring: A briefer episode, for which we're sure you are all grateful. We're talking Tony and Bucky - first Flame does so with Riot and Stella, and then Flerret chat about the boys. Then it's hearing from you, a Trope-Off update, and your events forecast!
Full Episode
Cover Artist: Amanda | Starswept
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Featuring: Some long conversations on fandom between Flame and Pineapplebread and then between Flerret & sabrecmc. Pineapplebread talks about her Tattoo AU (among other things), and then Flerretcmc (ship name in progress) chat about what BNF really means and the positives and negatives of fandom fame. We finish with a trope-off update and your event forecast.
Full Episode
Cover Artist: Nakurumok
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Featuring: A full celebration of love in all it's forms! Flame chats with our resident librarian, MrsMoodyBear, before Flerret chat about romance in fic, and expectations vs. reality in smut. We round it out with some valentines from you all, a trope-off update, and your events forecast.