Browsing Tag: Kinksploration
Full Episode
Cover Artist: Nakurumok
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Featuring: A full celebration of love in all it's forms! Flame chats with our resident librarian, MrsMoodyBear, before Flerret chat about romance in fic, and expectations vs. reality in smut. We round it out with some valentines from you all, a trope-off update, and your events forecast.
Full Episode
Cover artist: colonelrogers
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Featuring: Some serious Flerret thirst on main. We've got a combination of Let's Talk, Creator Corner, The Plug, and Kinksploration for almost the whole ep, breaking it down by talking vampires, werewolves, and tentacles. Then we check in with you all before Life of an Event, a Steve Tony Games update, and your Events Forecast.
Full Episode
Cover artist: puddingpong
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Our Guest: ashes0909
Featuring: ashes0909 and Ferret talk BDSM and writing Held in Kinksploration, Ferret and Flame compare BDSM AUs and A/B/O on Let's Talk, and Flame climbs on her soapbox and teaches you how to spell "St. Paddy." In minis, we introduce you to our themed rec lists and Stony Secret, hear from the community, and your Event's Forecast with Marie.