Browsing Category: Full Episode

Episode Eighteen: Thankfulness

Cover Artist: atheltiger
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Featuring: Flame chats with acts_of_tekla, an OTW volunteer on the Open Doors project, about her work and the work of the OTW in general. Then Flerret get philosophical as they chat about fandom and thankfulness before they turn the mic over to y'all to hear your thoughts on the topic. The ep rounds out with Life of An Event and your Events Forecast.

Episode Seventeen: ULTS ULTS ULTS

Cover Artist: SirSapling
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Featuring: Flame chats with Ferret and SirSapling about their love of Ults and then Flerret plug a very famous Ults fic by Sineala, Never Too Late for Love. Community talks wraps up the episode, with Life of an Event (including a new event announcement!), an Animal Corner, and your Events Forecast before we take a two-episode hiatus to focus on MTH.

Episode Fourteen: Cartoons

Cover artist: tifftac
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Featuring: The wonderful world of Marvel cartoons! Flame chats with Neverever about Stony content as well as the larger narratives of the various cartoon series, and then Flerret chat about Quit While You're Ahead by magicasen in The Plug. Prof Flame's got a soapbox about the patriarchy and age in fandom, the Grammar Mustelid is back for a chat about semi-colons, and then a Steve Tony Games update before we get into your Events Forecast.