
We want to hear from you! You can give us your feedback on the show by emailing or through any of our social media (Contact Us), but we want even more! Apply to contribute to the show or submit something for us to share online or on air.


Contribution Form – Fill out this form to offer your on-air contributions, including Op Ed pieces, guest spots, and interviews. If you’re concerned about speaking on air for any reason, we have options to make interviewing accessible to everyone – fill out the form and let us know what works for you.

Cover Artist Application – Apply to have your art featured as the cover for an episode. We feature pre-existing art pieces, so no need to make something new!

Research Assistant Form – Sign up to join our research team (must have Discord)


Resource Submission Form – Found an amazing art reference site? Or perhaps a post with 200 words for love? Send it our way and we’ll pop it on out Resources page.

Rec List Form – Let us know your favourite Stony fanworks!

Stony Secrets – You can submit a secret, a confession, a love note for someone else in fandom, or anything else you can think of! We’ll read some of these at the end of some of the episodes.

Topic Suggestion Form – Tell us what you want us to talk about on the show.