Browsing Tag: Flames Soapbox

Episode Fourteen: Cartoons

Cover artist: tifftac
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Featuring: The wonderful world of Marvel cartoons! Flame chats with Neverever about Stony content as well as the larger narratives of the various cartoon series, and then Flerret chat about Quit While You're Ahead by magicasen in The Plug. Prof Flame's got a soapbox about the patriarchy and age in fandom, the Grammar Mustelid is back for a chat about semi-colons, and then a Steve Tony Games update before we get into your Events Forecast.

Episode Two: BDSM

Featuring: ashes0909 and Ferret talk BDSM and writing Held in Kinksploration, Ferret and Flame compare BDSM AUs and A/B/O on Let’s Talk, and Flame climbs on her soapbox and teaches you how to spell “St. Paddy.” In minis, we introduce you to our themed rec lists and Stony Secret, hear from the community, and your Event’s Forecast with Marie.

Show Notes:

Thank you to ashes0909, puddingpong, our lovely listeners, and our PotSCast Team.