Browsing Tag: Rec List

Episode Nine: KidFic

Cover artist: kelslk
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Featuring: A whole lotta Flerret this episode - talking all about the mechanics of and their love of kidfic. Scifigirl47's famous Tales of the Bots 'verse serves as The Plug segment before we move onto Animal Corner, Professor Flame's History Corner, and the Events Forecast, as well as a special update on the Steve Tony Games.

Episode Six: Fanart

Cover artist: hundredthousands
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Featuring: Flame talks to SirSapling about fanart - creation, distribution, inspiration. Then Flerret have a discussion about the nature of storytelling - both why and how we do it as humans (Ferret is still investigating the mechanics for animals) - before we hear from you in Community Talks and check in with OnlyMoreLove and Marie for your Events Forecast.

Episode Five: AUs

Cover artist: pineapplebread
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Featuring: Flame talks to BladeoftheNebula about AUs and the power of creating our own universes - which leads Ferret and Flame to have their own conversation about alternate universes and they focus on three specific ones to analyze: coffee shops, space, and modern/superhero. Then Flerret get personal with an honest conversation about feedback and validation before segueing into minis about Trope-Off, animal gossip, your feedback to us, and an announcement about Tony's birthday!