Browsing Tag: Grammar Mustelid

Season 2, Episode 4: Sex Work AUs

Cover Artist: Wolfie
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Featuring: This episode is all focused on a specific AU set - sex work! Robin_tcj joins us for a chat about the various kinds and our favorites among them, before Flerret does a plug of RurouniHime's Place Your Bets. Professor Flame shows up for a brief history of how sex work has been treated in the offline world, before the Grammar Mustelid talks about verbs. We wrap up with a trope-off update, and your events forecast.

(I had some technical issues with my mic while recording this episode, so some of the segments might have some clicks and pops and I'm a bit mushy. My apologies! We've fixed them for next time. -Ferret)

Episode Fourteen: Cartoons

Cover artist: tifftac
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Featuring: The wonderful world of Marvel cartoons! Flame chats with Neverever about Stony content as well as the larger narratives of the various cartoon series, and then Flerret chat about Quit While You're Ahead by magicasen in The Plug. Prof Flame's got a soapbox about the patriarchy and age in fandom, the Grammar Mustelid is back for a chat about semi-colons, and then a Steve Tony Games update before we get into your Events Forecast.

Episode Thirteen: Fanwork Archiving

Cover artist: the-casual-cheesecake
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Featuring: Lots of nerdery! Flame chats with S about the "finding" empire of findingstony, findingwinteriron, and findingstuckony, before Flerret chat about the history and mechanics of archiving. Then everyone's favorite Grammar Mustelid is back with explanations of clauses, we hear about the Trope-Off final (!!), check in on Stuckony Summer Stockings, and get your events forecast.

Episode Four: Podfics

Cover artist: dchanimation (dchanberry)
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Featuring: Flame talks to Alex of Fannish Podcast, Flame and Ferret discuss finding joy and protecting it, and we dive into our first segment on mechanics in Creator Corner, looking at Point of View. In minis, we tell you about our podfic reclist, hear from the community, Prof Flame gives a lecture on Sherlock Holmes and the origins of fandom, and you get your events forecast.