Episode Fifteen: Marvel Trumps Hate

Cover artist: armellin
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Featuring: The story of Marvel Trumps Hate with nostalgicatsea (via Alex Jameson), a whole lot of fandom drama history with Flerret, and then a check-in on Stuckony Summer Stockings. Deceptively short summary; this one’s pretty long, friends. Sorry/not sorry.

Full Episode

Interview: nostalgicatsea, Flerret talks Fandom Drama, Ferret’s MTH Story, Flerret MTH Feels, Life of an Event

(Scroll down for individual segments)

Show Notes:

Thanks to armellin, nostalgicatsea, Alex Jameson, and the PotsCast staff.


Coming up on this episode…

Interview: nostalgicatsea
Marvel Trumps Hate, Fandom History, Charity, Reactions to the Current Hellscape of a Timeline, Doing All The Things, Alex Jameson Narrates Our Lives

Let’s Talk: Marvel Trumps Hate
Ferret’s Tech Mastery, Flerret’s MTH Feels, Flame Gets Fangirly, Flame Loves Nonprofits, Ferret Loves Spreadsheets

Let’s Talk: Fandom Drama
Fandom Drama vs. Fandom Wank, msscribe, Cassandra Clare, Dashcon, Schadenfreude as a Life Hobby

Community Talks, Life of an Event: Stuckony Summer Stocking, Events Forecast

Music Credit:

On My Way by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4163-on-my-way
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

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