Browsing Month: August 2020

Episode Fourteen: Cartoons

Cover artist: tifftac
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Featuring: The wonderful world of Marvel cartoons! Flame chats with Neverever about Stony content as well as the larger narratives of the various cartoon series, and then Flerret chat about Quit While You're Ahead by magicasen in The Plug. Prof Flame's got a soapbox about the patriarchy and age in fandom, the Grammar Mustelid is back for a chat about semi-colons, and then a Steve Tony Games update before we get into your Events Forecast.

Episode Thirteen: Fanwork Archiving

Cover artist: the-casual-cheesecake
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Featuring: Lots of nerdery! Flame chats with S about the "finding" empire of findingstony, findingwinteriron, and findingstuckony, before Flerret chat about the history and mechanics of archiving. Then everyone's favorite Grammar Mustelid is back with explanations of clauses, we hear about the Trope-Off final (!!), check in on Stuckony Summer Stockings, and get your events forecast.

Episode Twelve: Teamwork!

Cover artist: baneme
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Featuring: Lots of conversations! Flame chats with tisfan and 27dragons and then ashes0909 and FestiveFerret about how they collab and work together. Then Flerret themselves talk about the process of creating the pod, before we head into minis. We hear from you on some kinks you thought you were out on but gave a shot to, before a Trope-Off Update, some Grammar Mustelid time, and your events forecast.