Bonus: Fandom Events 101

There are so many fandom events happening at all times that we thought it might be helpful to break a few down. So in here, you’ve got descriptions of a few of the major events, as well as our tips on running and participating in events.

You’re welcome, universe.

Big thanks to SirSapling for allowing us to use his art from the PotS Server Brag Bucket Event (which you may remember us mentioning before) – this was the badge that all participants received!

Scroll down for individual segements.

Links to Things We Mention:

Intro to Types of Events:

Tips For Running Events:

Tips For Participating in Events:

Music Credit:

On My Way by Kevin MacLeod

1 comments on “Bonus: Fandom Events 101

  1. This was a fun episode! Even as someone who’s been around the fandom for a while and is familiar with events, I still enjoyed this breakdown 🙂

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