Events Forecast – January 17, 2021

Marvel Events Central 


Reminder that the fourth round of the Marvel Fluff Bingo is open for sign-ups until March 16! Go grab a card to write all the fluffy tropes and get togethers! 

Reminder also, that the Marvel Holiday Fest, a prompt fest based on holiday movie plots open to all ships and without minimum requirements is still open for fills until Jan 31! 


The Cap-IM Comm Remix events are also on-going but you can still participate in Remix Madness! It’s the remix fest which goes on between January 10 and February 20. Madness has no minimum requirements and is open to all types of fanworks. If you have questions on how remixing works, have a look at the detailed post on the cap-ironman community! 

The Comm also announced its 2021 Reverse Big Bang! The event is currently open for art submissions, and will stay so until February 10! Have fun, make art, be awesome friends! 


Another reminder that you can get a customized STB – Steve, Tony, Bucky Bingo card until January 31. Past that date, you will still be able to request a Generic card from Feb 1 to May 31. All combinations of Steve, Bucky and Tony are allowed so you get to play with no less than 4 ships in any medium you want and without requirements whatsoever other than responsible tagging. Have fun and join the server if you feel like chatting!


The Shrunkyclunks Big Bang will be opening sign-ups on January 16 so keep an eye on their page on tumblr or twitter to participate! The minimum is 10k and posting will start in June. 


The StarkerFestivals blog on tumblr is back with another one of their low-pressure challenges: for the month of January the mods have put out a 3×3 New Beginnings Mini Bingo card for the community to fill. Have fun! 

INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER EVENTS welcoming Steve and Tony ships

The Thor and Loki Kinky Valentine Exchange is open for sign-ups until January 9, with a deadline set for February 12 and reveals on Valentine’s Day. It is open to all Thor and Loki ships, so if you ship Thundershield, Thunderiron, Frostshield, Frostiron or a poly variation of those 4 guys, check it out!

A Sam Wilson Prompt Fest has also been announced. To be sure not to miss the deets and rules when they come out, be sure to give the blog a follow! 

That’s it for this episode folks! 

This has been your events forecast, I’ll see you next episode and happy shipping!

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