Events Forecast – November 22, 2020

Marvel Events Central 


The What To Finish Charity Auction, has had its preview week and is now ready to launch Auction Week! It will go on from today Nov 22, to Nov 28! Take the chance to do some good while bumping your favorite WIP up an author’s priority list, or claim a brand new prompt by someone who looks like they share your interests! 

Coloring for a MARVELous Cause, You can claim a spot to create an activity or a coloring page or other fanworks explained in the rules linked starting Nov 21!


Feeling Kinky? Today is your last chance to sign-up to submit a work to the MCU Kink Bang! The Kink Bang is a mixed bang, meaning it allows for submissions of both fic and art and therefore claims of both later down the line. Minimum for fic is 5k! More info linked up!

Maybe, you’re feeling more of a holiday spirit this time of year? If so, the Marvel Holiday Fest, a prompt fest based on holiday movie plots accepting of all ships and without minimum requirements is open for fills until Jan 31! Have fun prepping those holiday fics. 

Ever thought it would be fun to challenge yourself and stretch your skills by arting while you usually write or by writing when you’re more comfortable drawing or painting? The Go Bang Yourself Bang provides an occasion to do just that! Sign-ups are open until Dec 31, and by that time, you should be prepared to create art or fic for an already existing fic or art piece of yours. Exciting!


Alongside its yearly holiday exchange, the Cap-IM Community is once again hosting its Cap-IM Holiday Community Prompts, open for fills till Dec 27. No minimums! Let’s give the community lots and lots of presents friends!


The STB – Steve, Tony, Bucky Bingo is still open for Personalized Card Sign-ups until Jan 31, after which, Generic cards will still be available from Feb 1 to May 31. The round itself will be open for fills from Dec 1 to June 30. All combinations of Steve, Bucky and Tony are allowed so have fun playing with no less than 4 ships!


The Steggy Secret Santa (Steve and Peggy) is open for Sign-ups until November 27, don’t miss out!


The Winteriron Week is back with new mods! Go check out the page and get ready to create amazing fanworks for the prompts to post from Dec 14 to Dec 20. 

Another stocking event has arrived, and this time, it is the Winteriron Winter Stockings! Sign-ups still run until Nov 30 and Fills will be open until Jan 31 with the works being revealed on Feb 1. 

The Winteriron Reverse Bang is back and Artist Sign-ups close December 10 so don’t miss out! Submissions are open until Jan 3, with Claims happening on Jan 9, and Posting scheduled to start by March 1.

INDIVIDUAL CHARACTER EVENTS welcoming Steve and Tony ships

A Brucemas Week will be happening from December 14 to Dec 21 so if you ship either or both of our boys with Dr.Banner, have fun!

And another holiday event, A Very Darcy Advent Bingo will be running for the entirety of December, so likewise, if you ship SteveDarcy or TonyDarcy or a poly variation of these three, go for it!

That’s it for this episode folks! 

This has been your events forecast, I’ll see you next episode and happy shipping!

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